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Mend.io’s vulnerability database provides the knowledge that you need about open source vulnerabilities to stay on top of your open source security. The Vulnerability Center allows you to search for information on your vulnerabilities by either CVE or project name. With coverage for over 200 programming languages and vulnerabilities collected from a wide variety of resources, we most probably have what you are looking for.

Our goal is to build a community resource center for security professionals and developers seeking relevant info on the vulnerabilities facing their applications, sharing knowledge in an easy-to-access format.

As the community grows, expect additional resources like monthly spotlights of Top Open Source projects, analytical data on the most popular open source projects, and more.


About Mend.io:

Mend.io advanced Software Composition Analysis technology works seamlessly within the development process, making it easy to develop secure software, fast.

We believe the only way to use open source without compromising on security — and without slowing you down — is to make securing open source components as simple and easy as possible.

That’s why we created Mend.io. Our technology takes care of the heavy lifting that comes with open source usage. Mend.io operates in real-­time to provide immediate visibility about a component’s vulnerabilities as soon as it is added to your code. We alert you only when something demands your attention, providing you with all the information that you need to make the right choices.