Mend AppSec Platform:

Mend Renovate

Enterprise-grade dependency updates

Mend Renovate Enterprise reduces risk, improves code quality, cuts technical debt and improves time to release by automatically ensuring all dependencies are kept up to date.

Cut security risks up to 70% with full-scale automated dependency updates

Automated dependency updates

Streamline the process of keeping your software projects up-to-date and improve development efficiency.

Mend Renovate Enterprise automatically identifies outdated dependencies and creates pull requests (PRs) that suggest updates for both open source and private packages, ensuring your dependencies are always current.

Full-scale automation & support

Mend Renovate Enterprise scales to scan all of your repositories without slowing down, no matter how large your organization or applications become.

Plus, dedicated support from our team of experts ensures you get the most out of Mend Renovate Enterprise.

Technical debt reduction

Avoid development roadblocks caused by an accumulation of technical debt from outdated dependencies.

Mend Renovate Enterprise’s scalable automation for dependency updates minimizes technical debt by ensuring dependencies are current across all repositories.

Merge Confidence ratings & workflows

Mend Renovate Enterprise lets you know the impact each dependency update will have on your application.

Merge Confidence ratings and workflows prevent updates from creating extra work, by providing the likelihood an update will pass without breaking your application and grouping these updates together.

Integrates with your repos

Mend Renovate Enterprise integrates directly into your repositories to support – not overwhelm – your devs as they work on dependency updates.

Explore Mend Renovate, part of the Mend AppSec Platform

Mend Renovate Enterprise is a key component of the Mend AppSec Platform’s holistic and proactive approach to application security.

Learn more about how we can help

Build resilient apps with automated dependency updates

Scale across thousands of repos without sacrificing security.

Manage open source components and dependency risks proactively.


“One of our most indicative KPIs is the amount of time for us to remediate vulnerabilities and also the amount of time developers spend fixing vulnerabilities in our code base, which has reduced significantly. We’re talking about at least 80% reduction in time.”

Andrei Ungureanu, Security Architect
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Fast, secure, compliant

“When the product you sell is an application you develop, your teams need to be fast, secure and compliant. These three factors often work in opposite directions. Mend provides the opportunity to align these often competing factors, providing Vonage with an advantage in a very competitive marketplace.”

Chris Wallace, Senior Security Architect
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Rapid results

“The biggest value we get out of Mend is the fast feedback loop, which enables our developers to respond rapidly to any vulnerability or license issues. When a vulnerability or a license is disregarded or blocked, and there is a policy violation, they get the feedback directly.”

Markus Leutner, DevOps Engineer for Cloud Solutions
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Recent resources

Dependency Management: Protecting Your Code

Learn how to protect your application’s code with dependency management, and why automation is critical for effective dependency updates.

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Shrinking Security Debt with Dependency Management

Learn how to shrink security debt by managing dependencies. Improve app quality and reduce attack surface now!

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Open-Source Reliability Leaderboard

Discover the top open-source packages for reliability in npm, Maven, and PyPi with’s Leaderboard.

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Start building a proactive AppSec program.