Automated Dependency Updates For KUBERNETES Manifests

Automated Dependency Updates For KUBERNETES Manifests
Table of Contents

Renovate now supports keeping Docker dependencies up-to-date in Kubernetes manifests. Read on to learn how to configure file matching to get it started.

How it Works

A new kubernetes manager type has been added to Renovate. You need to add one or more fileMatch values to tell it where to find your file(s), and after that it will keep the Docker dependency versions up-to-date like any other Docker definitions file we support (e.g. Dockerfile, Docker Compose files, CircleCI, etc.). Please see our Docker documentation for full details.


If most .yaml files in your repository are Kubernetes ones, then you could add this to your config:

“kubernetes”: {
“fileMatch”: [“(^|/)[^/]*\\.yaml$”] }

If instead you have them all inside a k8s/ directory, you would add this:

“kubernetes”: {
“fileMatch”: [“k8s/.+\\.yaml$”] }

Or if it’s just a single file then something like this:

“kubernetes”: {
“fileMatch”: [“^config/k8s.yaml$”] }


Thank you to Maximilian Gaß for contributing this PR.

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