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Mend SCA vs. Mend Renovate

Evaluate Mend SCA vs. Mend Renovate

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Mend SCA for Amazon CodeCatalyst

Mend SCA now integrates conveniently with Amazon CodeCatalyst. Through this integration, Mend SCA provides vulnerability alerts directly in the Amazon CodeCatalyst user interface.

Read More & CloudBees Solution Brief

The integration between the Application Security Platform and CloudBees CI completely automates the process of scanning applications for vulnerabilities.

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The Benefits of Application Scanning in the Repository

Security is always in high demand yet short supply. To shift security left, developers need tooling that scans and provides instant feedback in their native environments. Learn how scanning in the repository makes security invisible to developers and reduces friction between security and development teams.

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Mend Infrastructure as Code

Mend Infrastructure as Code (IaC) helps organizations secure IaC templates and checks for security issues, compliance violations, and other misconfigurations so developers can fix misconfigurations as part of their normal workflow.

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How to Reduce Your Alert Count Early in Development

Mend’s remediation-centric approach goes beyond detection to cut through the noise and zero in on security vulnerabilities that actually impact code. Using Mend, organizations significantly reduce the number of security alerts that need to be addressed.

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Mend for JFrog Artifactory

Mend for JFrog Artifactory provides intelligent security information and remediation advice for your open source components where you need it, when you need it.

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Mend Vulnerability Database

The data that powers your Software Composition Analysis solution is the difference between identifying all critical open source vulnerabilities and leaving your organization exposed. Secure your open source software with Mend, the industry’s best vulnerability and compliance data.

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Mend for Developers

Mend for Developers provides native integrations that provide developers with the information they need, when and where they need it, through frictionless tools.

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Mend Priority Scoring

Automatically prioritize vulnerabilities based on customized settings that reflect your organization’s risk profile, by factoring in business impact, availability of a fix, and the threat itself.

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Mend For GitLab

Mend for GitLab is a native GitLab integration that alerts developers on open source vulnerabilities early in the SDLC and provides them with all the information that they need within the GitLab UI.

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An Example for Prioritizing Vulnerabilities

Learn how Mend Prioritize shows you which open source vulnerabilities impact your code so you can focus on remediating the most critical open source vulnerabilities first.

Read More Open Source Audit

Leverage technology with an actionable report by expert auditors to deliver a trusted on-demand solution that provides a comprehensive risk profile of a software asset.

Read More Unified Agent’s Unified Agent is a stand-alone command line tool that enables developers to simplify their open source maintenance processes using centralized configurations.

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Mend Advise for IntelliJ IDEA Datasheet

The Mend plugin integrates seamlessly with IntelliJ IDEA to identify known open source security vulnerabilities and present the findings within the IntelliJ IDEA editor.

Read More Remediation Solution

Mend Remediate detects vulnerable open source libraries and automatically generates pull requests with the latest version updates, so developers can fix vulnerable components with one click.

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