The Software Composition Analysis Software Landscape, Q2 2024

Do you know exactly what components make up your applications? Are hidden vulnerabilities lurking within your code? This in-depth report on Software Composition Analysis (SCA) sheds light on this critical security practice.

The report dives into a detailed analysis of 18 prominent SCA vendors, highlighting, Synopsys, and Snyk as the leading players in the market.

What you’ll learn:

  • Demystifying SCA: Understand how SCA tools can help your company.
  • Building a strong business case: Discover how to build the case for your team in terms of security management, governance, and software supply chain security (SSCS).
  • Navigating the evolving SCA landscape: Dive into the competitive SCA market and learn how vendors differentiate themselves with advanced features. Discover new entrants from cloud security platforms and dedicated risk evaluation startups.
  • Uncover the strengths and weaknesses of each SCA vendor.

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